Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pro Bono Project for "All Our Kids, Inc"

All Our Kids, Inc is a mentoring/scholarship program in Omaha. Check 'em out at They brought 10 really cool young people to our studio for a shoot a couple of weeks ago. The images will be in their new brochure. Check 'em out!

These twin girls were so fun!

These two were the youngest of the group...just 6th graders!

This was one of the veterans of the group. She knew how to have fun with the camera!

Another vetran of the group. She did a great job, too!

The last to get in front of the camera, and look how stunning!

Although they weren't expecting it, we had to get the staff in a shot, too! They resisted a bit, but the kids talked them into it!

Thanks to All Our Kids, Inc. staff for sharing these amazing individuals with us! We had a really great time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.